We are the youngest and the fastest growing state in India. Due to our power surplus status, we have been able to provide uninterrupted electricity supply. Chhattisgarh is a state rich in minerals and endowed with fertile land. The mix of industry, agriculture and tourism will continue to spur growth across sectors. Industry contributes ~40% to the state’s GSDP. Forest cover of more than 40% is an added advantage over other states. Being endowed with 28 minerals and we are the first in coal & dolomite production and the second in iron ore production. We have 8% of India’s limestone, which is essential for cement manufacturing. With excellent infrastructure of Road, Railways and Air and being a central state on the map, the connectivity to leading markets and ports is easy.
Chhattisgarh is a state with all the necessary ingredients for growth and investment, be it agricultural and industrial infrastructure or world-class educational institutions. We look forward to making your business environment conducive and welcome you to explore Chhattisgarh as “The destination of investment”.
Gross State Domestic Product ( GSDP)

(P)=Provisional Estimate, (Q)= Quick Estimate, (A)= Advance Estimates

Sectoral Composition of Chhattisgarh’s GSDP (current prices) for FY 2021-22

The industrial sector has a staggering growth rate of 17.3% followed by the service sector with an impressive 11.3% and 8.9% for agriculture.

There is an increase of ~11.93% from last year in the per capital income of Chhattisgarh with current value at INR 118,401
Power Rich State
Chhattisgarh is known as the Power Capital of India and is acknowledged as a power surplus State
Power surplus state
Chhattisgarh is an ideal destination for manufacturing and other power-intensive industries.

The state to offer Electricity tariff lower than the national average due to presence of coal mines within Chhattisgarh enables the
Mineral Rich State
State endowed with 28 minerals

1st in Coal & Dolomite Production
2nd in Iron ore Production
8% of India’s Limestone
Fixed Goods production in India

25% of Iron & Steel
15% of Aluminum

16% of Cement
Literacy Rate
Total Literacy rate of Chhattisgarh is 70%
Male literacy is at 80.27 %
Female literacy at 60.24%
Ease of Doing Business
Our Single window facilitation center is set up for promotion of investments in any investment projects.
Chhattisgarh is in Aspires category in Ease of Doing Business, 2022 (latest ranking)
Online systems for registrations, returns, refunds for various taxes applicable to State

Chhattisgarh has a strong hold on exports. The state observed an increase in export by 3 times in the last 3 years.
Total Export – 300% Growth
Rice Export – 400% Growth
Iron & Steel – 750% Growth
Aluminum Product – 200% Growth
Mineral exports of state
State’s contribution: 18.9% of National Production of Iron Ore *2020-21

State’s contribution: 7.2% of National Production of Bauxite. *2019-20

Hub of Iron & Steel Only State to make high grade rails.